哥倫比亞 – 希望莊園 (厭氧日曬) – 投標批次26: CGLE Orquidea

HK$ 418

產地: 哥倫比亞
產區: Café Granja La Esperanza 希望莊園
批次: 投標批次26: CGLE Orquidea
生長海拔: 1,400米 – 1,860米
處理方式: 厭氧日曬
烘焙度: 中淺烘焙 (如需特定烘焙度,請下單時備注)
風味: 桃子、芒果、奶酪、熱帶水果、蓮霧

Fermentation: The cherries were fermented for about 6 days in anaerobic tanks.
Drying Method: After the fermentation process, the coffee was dried for 12 days in mechanical dryers.

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